Attention fuels Growth

It was the single most important reason for founding Juno Investment Partners, back in 2007. And it’s still at the heart of everything we do. What is it? In a word: attention.

Juno Investment Partners Team
It all started with cake

In October 2005, Frans brought a cake to work on the first day he met his new colleague Lennart, who was doing an internship there, while working on his thesis. From a light conversation wielding forks and saucers, the discussions between Frans and Lennart soon turned to the fundamental value of companies and how to construct an investment portfolio. It was not long before Frans got Lennart involved in the fund he was managing, inviting him on company visits all across Europe – a tremendous learning experience.

When Frans left the company, Lennart started looking for new opportunities too. Perhaps he should start his own fund? Built on the principles he and Frans had discussed? He plucked up his courage and called Frans. And the rest is history.

Attention to the profession

There is a saying in chess: when you see a good move, look for a better one. We believe that the more attention you give to the businesses you invest in, the better your investment decisions are. No high-risk ventures with quick results or mindlessly surfing the stock market average. That's not us. Instead we work to get to the bottom of every bottom line, researching annual reports and business models, analysing industry developments, visiting businesses to kick the tyres and get to know the people who run them personally. We are curious, we ask questions, we pay attention. The better we are at recognising every relevant factor, the better our judgement becomes – and the more successful our investments are. We pay the same attention to our portfolio: a carefully curated selection of ten to fifteen businesses, with shares that we intend to hold on to for the long term. Over time, the companies we invest in demonstrate stable earnings growth. Earnings growth that over time translates into higher share prices. This is the foundation of our success. 

Attention to people

We pay as much attention to our clients as we do to the technical side of our profession. We believe it goes without saying, especially when you think about the trust they place in us. That is why we welcome participants to drop in to our office in The Hague. There is no need to make an appointment. And our annual participants' meeting? Without giving too much away, we can tell you that many of our investors save the date a year in advance. From the businesses you invest in, to the people you represent: everything just goes better when you know and trust each other. 

Attention to the foundations

Frans and Lennart founded Juno Investment Partners with certain ideas about investing and the way clients should be treated. These ideas serve as the unshakeable foundations of the organisation. And these same ideas meant that, for example, the Juno Selection Fund closed to further investment by clients on 1 October 2018, having reached its maximum size. The fund had already closed to new investors. From the perspective of the portfolio manager, closing a fund is never an appealing option. But for the participants it is a reason to rest assured: it solidifies the investment style, securing the fund's liquidity. That, in a nutshell, is Juno's philosophy.

Our people

Bobby Bader

Bobby Bader

Analyst Juno Selection Fund
Read more about Bobby Bader

Casper Hoekstra

Risk & Compliance Director
Read more about Casper Hoekstra

Cécile Krikke-Fritz

Client Relations, Communications and Marketing
Read more about Cécile Krikke-Fritz

Frank de Wit

Business Development
Read more about Frank de Wit
Frans Jurgens

Frans Jurgens

Partner and co-founder, portfolio manager Juno Selection Fund
Read more about Frans Jurgens

Karen Kootje

Financial and portfolio administration and reporting
Read more about Karen Kootje

Lennart Smits

Partner and co-founder, portfolio manager Juno Selection Fund
Read more about Lennart Smits
Lotte Timmermans

Lotte Timmermans

Analyst Juno Continuation Fund
Read more about Lotte Timmermans

Rob Deneke

Partner and portfolio manager Juno Continuation Fund
Read more about Rob Deneke

Stan de Muijnck

Business Information Manager
Read more about Stan de Muijnck

Tjalling ten Cate

Business Development
Read more about Tjalling ten Cate

Dora Horjus

Advisory Board
Read more about Dora Horjus

Paul Hoeve

Advisory Board
Read more about Paul Hoeve
Collaborations and Supervision

Juno Investment Partners works with various professional service providers, which we have selected based on their specific expertise and wealth of experience.

Fund Custody and Administration

State Street Bank & Trust was founded in Boston in 1972 and has since become one of the largest custodian banks in the world. We work with State Street to hold our clients’ investments in custody, as well as the financial administration and performance assessments that this involves.


Capital Support Group was founded in 2005. The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) has licensed this independent service provider under the Supervision of Trust Offices Act (Wtt). Capital Support acts as director of the legal owner of the funds and in that capacity acts exclusively in the interest of our participants.

Accountants and fiscal advisors

We are advised and audited by Rubicon Accountants and Tax Advisors. EY Accountants LLP, formerly Ernst & Young, audits the annual reports and the annual accounts of the Juno Selection Fund and the Juno Continuation Fund.

Compliance and licensing

Juno Investment Partners is supervised by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) with regards to our licence to act as an investment institution in financial instruments as mentioned in Section 1:1 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wft).

As part of the licence application process, Juno Investment Partners, its policymakers and the depositary were thoroughly assessed on a range of factors including suitability, reliability and sound business practices.

·      Click here to go to the AFM website, where you can find a list of licensed AIFMs.

·      Click here for the letter from the AFM granting Juno the license described above (in Dutch).

Get in touch

Our clients are always more than welcome to drop in. There is no need for an appointment. Are you considering investing with us and want to know more about what we have to offer? We would love to bring you up to speed.

Our contact details