Disclaimer Juno Investment Partners Websites
By visiting these websites (https://juno-invest.com/ and https://www.juno-invest.nl/) or by using one of the websites you agree to the terms of use set out in this disclaimer. We reserve the right to change the content of the website without prior notice. Visitors to these websites are therefore advised to regularly check for changes in the conditions. The websites are intended for users in the Netherlands. Persons outside the Netherlands are themselves responsible for compliance with all locally applicable laws and other regulations, and for determining whether the information on the website is suitable for use from abroad or in different countries.
The content of these websites is incomplete without reading the accompanying Fund Prospectus, the Key Information Document and other relevant documentation of the Juno Selection Fund and the Juno Continuation Fund, as published on these websites. Results achieved in the past are no guarantee for the future. There is also no guarantee that the investment objective of the Juno Selection Fund and the Juno Continuation Fund will actually be achieved.
All information that Juno receives as an e-mail or as information through its websites will be handled in accordance with applicable laws and the related guidelines established for this purpose. We do not collect any personal data through our website. You can read how we handle the personal data that we receive from you as a fund participant or as an interested party, in our Privacy statement.
Juno Investment Partners B.V. has a licence to act as an investment advisor and fund manager, as referred to in Article 2.65 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wft), including for the provision of investment services as referred to in Article 1: 1 Wft, sub c of the definition of providing an investment service, and as such is supervised by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets.
Website general informative use
These websites have been developed by Juno Investment Partners B.V. (“Juno”) for general informational purposes only. The information included on the websites does not constitute legal or tax advice, nor specific investment advice.
Certain statements on the Juno websites may contain forward-looking statements about our expectations and beliefs. These statements are based on Juno’s current expectations and estimates, and its expectations regarding external conditions and events. In particular the words ‘expects’, ‘foresees’, ‘estimates’, ‘may’, ‘would’, ‘believe’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘considers’, ‘could’, ‘will’, ‘possible’ and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Juno cautions visitors to its websites that a number of important factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those stated in any forward-looking statement. Juno cannot be held accountable for, and will not necessarily revise these statements, in the light of new information or future events, unless required by applicable law. Juno disclaims any obligation to review its views on such risks and uncertainties or to publicly announce the outcome of any revision of any forward-looking statements made here, unless required by applicable law.
Reliability and timeliness of information
Juno is committed to ensuring that the information on its websites is accurate. However, it may at times occur that the information is not complete and / or correct. We do not accept any liability for any form of damage that may arise from the use of the information. In addition, we do not accept liability for websites that are not maintained by us, that are referred to or that contain references to our website. Hyperlinks to these websites do not constitute an endorsement or approval of any information, projections or opinions expressed on such websites, and Juno is not responsible for the content of such information.
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Unless otherwise specified, all rights, including copyrights and other intellectual property rights on the websites and information rest with Juno. Visitors may consult the websites and the information contained therein and make copies for their own use, for example by printing or saving them. Any other use of the websites or of the information contained therein, for example by storing or reproducing (part of) the Juno websites in another internet page or creating links, hyperlinks or deep links between the Juno websites and any other internet page is not permitted without the express written permission of Juno. If this disclaimer is or becomes partially invalid, the parties remain bound by the remaining part. The parties will replace the invalid part by stipulations that are valid and whose legal consequences, given the content and scope of this text of the disclaimer, correspond as much as possible with those of the invalid part.
Disclaimer: version 2.1, v 2.2, v2.3
Date: June 8, 2007; revised September 2020
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